Kesteven and Sleaford High School
11plus exam content.
Subjects Tested: Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning
Entrance criteria.
Kesteven & Sleaford High School is an 11-18 selective Academy.
The Governing Body of Kesteven & Sleaford High School (KSHS) is the admissions authority for the Academy.
Process of Application
Arrangements for applications for places in Year 7 at Kesteven & Sleaford High School will be made in accordance with Lincolnshire County Council’s co-ordinated admission arrangements.
Parents of children resident in Lincolnshire can apply on-line at:
www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions. They can also apply by telephone or ask for a paper application form by telephoning 01522
Parents of children resident in other areas must apply through their home Local Authority.
Kesteven & Sleaford High School will adhere to the timescales outlined in the Lincolnshire County Council co-ordinated admissions scheme available at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions
for these applications and the relevant Local Authority will make the offers of places on their behalf as required by the School Admissions Code (2014).
If Kesteven & Sleaford High School is over-subscribed, the over-subscription criteria, detailed below, will be used to allocate places.
It is the school – not the Local Authority – that carries out the testing procedures.
Individualselective Academies/Grammar Schools administer the 11+ selection tests that are used to identify those children who are most suited to selective education.
Parents should note that taking the 11+ tests does not constitute an application for a place; a Local Authority Application must also be completed.
The Number of Places Available
The official admission number for entry to Year 7 is 124.
What Happens If the School is Over-Subscribed
In accordance with legislation the allocation of school places for children with an Education, Health and Care Plan (Children and Families Act 2014) naming the school in the plan will take place first.
Remaining places will be allocated in accordance with this policy.
In the event that more pupils qualify for a place than can be accommodated places will be allocated for students who have reached the required standard in the 11+ selection tests as follows:
1. The child is, or has been in the past, in the care of the Local Authority;
2. The child is registered for Pupil Premium defined as those registered for Free School Meals at any point in the previous six years (not including Key Stage 1 statutory Free School Meals).
KESTEVEN AND SLEAFORD HIGH SCHOOL (KSHS) part of the the Robert Carre Trust.
Admissions Policy 2021-2022 adopted 28 January 2020.doc 2
3. Students who, at the time of admission, have siblings at one of the schools within the Robert Carre Trust.
4. Straight line distance from the home to the Academy, priority will be given to the child living closest to the Academy.
If it is not possible to distinguish between one or more applicants within the admissions criteria, places will be allocated to those living nearest the school first measured by straight line distance. If the distance criterion is not sufficient to distinguish between two or more applicants for the last remaining place then a lottery will be drawn by an independent person, not employed by the school
or working in the Children’s Services Directorate at the local authority.
The Academy has the right to investigate any concerns it may have with respect to the accuracy of information provided by parents on an Application Form and to withdraw the offer of a school place if there is evidence that parents have made fraudulent claims e.g. concerning parental responsibility or place of residence.
There is a statutory appeals procedure organised by the Lincolnshire Local Authority, on behalf of Kesteven & Sleaford High School, for parents who want to appeal against the decision not to offer
their child a place at this school.
If you would like more information about this process please telephone: 01522 782030.
Children of UK Service Personnel (UK Armed Forces) and Returning Crown Servants
For families of UK service personnel with a confirmed posting to the area, or crown servants returning to live in the area from overseas, the Governors will:
1. Process an application in advance of the family arriving in the area provided it is accompanied by an official letter that declares a relocation date and a Unit postal address or quartering area address to use when considering the application against the school’s over-subscription criteria.
2. Accept a Unit postal address or quartering area address for dmissions purposes for a service child.
The Governors will not refuse a service child a place because the family does not currently live inthe area.
Entry Out of the Child’s Cohort
The school can, in exceptional circumstances, accept ‘under-age’ pupils who are outstandingly able and who need to be accelerated beyond their year group. These decisions will be made in the best interests of the child concerned.
Consideration needs to be given not only to academic standards but the social maturity of the pupil concerned. Parents of such children are requested to contact the Local Authority for advice as well as Kesteven & Sleaford High School.
KSHS Admissions Policy 2021-2022 adopted 28 January 2020.doc 3
Mid Year Admissions
Kesteven and Sleaford High School will accept admissions, from qualified students, up to the Published Admission Number of the respective year group at the point of entry.
Any pupil who has not taken an 11+ selection test in Year 6 can take a CAT test (Cognitive Ability Test) appropriate to their age. This test aligns with the proportion of the year group identified as ‘qualified’ for entry to Year 7 through the 11+ process. Please contact the school to arrange
If there are more applications than places then the over-subscription criteria will be used to decide who should be offered the place. If it is necessary to refuse a place then you will be informed of your right to appeal.
Parents can apply on-line at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions or call 01522 782030 for a paper form.
For Visits, Testing and Admissions Information
Please contact Mrs H Gill, PA to the Headteacher/Admissions Officer
Contact details.
Kesteven & Sleaford High School Selective Academy
Jermyn Street
Sleaford, Lincolnshire
NG34 7RS
Telephone: 01529 414044
Fax: 01529 414928
e-mail enquiries@khsh.uk
Type of Exam: Linconshire Grammar Schools Consortium 11+ Tests
School website.
School history.
Background History to Kesteven and Sleaford High School, (KSHS).
The school is a selective school with academy status for girls aged between eleven and sixteen and girls and boys between sixteen and eighteen, located on Jermyn Street in the small market town of Sleaford, Lincolnshire, England, close to Sleaford railway station.
In the late 19th century, Sleaford's solitary secondary school – Carre's Grammar School – admitted boys only. From 1893, Kesteven County Council's Technical Instruction Committee offered annual junior scholarships (which would pay school fees), but the only place they were tenable for girls was at the Lincoln Secondary School for Girls.
A problem facing Sleaford at the turn of the 20th century was that there was no school "supplying a good, high-class education for the daughters and young children of middle-class and well-to-do residents in Sleaford and neighbourhood".
In the late 1890s, the county council wanted to expand Sleaford's secondary education provision. When the governors of Carre's Grammar School applied to the Technical Instruction Committee for a grant towards a new school building, the council wished to make the grant conditional on the school accepting girls.
The governors suggested creating a separate girls' high school, but discussions turned to creating a combined high school for boys and girls; by 1899, plans had been approved by the county council and costed at £4,000, of which the council offered to provide £1,500.
The Sleaford Tradesmen's Association supported the scheme and began fundraising. By September, they had raised £540 and the school governors had raised a further £650, but £1,100 remained to be found.
Aside from a commitment from Henry Chaplin to contribute £50 towards the cost, the situation had not changed by December. By August 1900, a local newspaper reported that "no further action had been taken towards the construction of High Schools at Sleaford owing to the lack of funds, about £1,000 more being required.
School structure moving forward
Kesteven and Sleaford High School opened as an Academy on 1 November 2011 without sponsorship and run by the Kesteven and Sleaford Academy Trust. As of 2015, the student body is made up of 769 pupils aged between 11 and 18. The school admits girls on a selective basis for Years 7–11 and has a co-educational Sixth Form.
The annual intake to Year 7 (using the 11+ exam) for Key Stage 3 is around 120, although in 2006 the number rose to 150.School pupils are drawn from a 200 square mile area of South Lincolnshire, and as far as Newark-on-Trent in Nottinghamshire.
The sixth form takes both boys and girls and in 2015 the school was ranked 200th, with 59.5% of A levels being A*-B.
** This information is provided for guidance only and while the content is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate we cannot be held in any way responsible for any errors or omissions that it may contain. Please contact your LA or chosen grammar school for all admission and elevenplus exam queries.**