Bourne Grammar School
11plus exam content.
Subjects Tested: Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning
Entrance criteria.
Year 7 (11+ entry)
Application is made by completing aRegistration Form.
All admissions are subject to an Entrance Examination (the 11+), which is held early in September, for entry in the following September.
The Entrance Examination involves a verbal reasoning test and a non-verbal & spatial reasoning test, held on adjacent Saturday mornings at the School.
The tests are agreed by the Consortium of Lincolnshire Grammar Schools.
11+ testing in 2021 for entry into Year 7 in 2022 is as follows:
The Consortium of Lincolnshire Grammar Schools have recently released a revised timescale for the 11+ Testing due to take place in September 2021.
The revised date for the Verbal Reasoning test will be on Saturday 18 September 2021 and the Non-Verbal & Spatial Reasoning test will be on Saturday 25 September 2021.
More information on the tests and dates for admission in September 2022, please contact the School directly or view the 11+ Information Booklet for Entry into Year 7 in September 2022.
The Governing Body has agreed a Planned Admission Number of 240 students, which reflects the current capacity of the School. Should the number of students who meet the selection criterion (a minimum score 220 over the two tests) exceed 240, places will be allocated in accordance with the School's Admissions Policy.
Parents need to be aware that, for the purpose of admissions, the School takes as the home address the place of residence where the pupil lives for the majority of the school term time with a parent who has parental responsibility as defined in the Children Act 1989.
You should contact the School (01778 422288) if you require further information or clarification on how this policy operates.
Contact details.
Bourne Grammar School
South Road
PE10 9JE
Telephone 01778 422288
Fax 01778 394872
Email - for all 11+ enquiries please use admissions@bourne-grammar.lincs.sch.uk
Type of Exam: Linconshire Grammar Schools Consortium 11+ Tests
School website.
School history.
Bourne Grammar School
A Grammar School existed in Bourne as early as the 14th century. The present Grammar School, however, originated from the bequest of William Trollope and was founded in 1636.
The School moved to its present site in 1921 and occupies a pleasant site to the south of the Lincolnshire market town of Bourne. It enjoys an enviable academic reputation and admits students from a wide area including Stamford, Peterborough, the Deepings and Spalding.
Bourne Grammar is a mixed selective School with a large Sixth Form offering academic A-Levels. The School is rated 'outstanding' by Ofsted and became an Academy on 1 January 2012.
In the last decade the School has expanded rapidly and there are now over 1600 students on roll, including over 400 in the Sixth Form. This growth in student numbers has been matched by the development of the site: recent years have seen the opening of a number of impressive, well-appointed buildings including a new £4million Science Block consisting of 15 state-of-the-art laboratories for the teaching of Biology, Chemistry and Physics.
Further development of the estate has continued including the installation of an Astroturf Pitch and a programme of classroom refurbishment.
The School attaches great importance to the pursuit of academic excellence. It has a tradition of hard work, respect for achievement and sound discipline. Public examination results, at all levels, are outstanding.
The school seeks to provide an ethos which encourages in the students an attitude of hard work and consideration for others. It is the hope of the school that former students reflect on their time at the School as being intellectually stimulating, personally challenging, and rewarding.
The school believes that education is about much more than the academic curriculum, being enhanced by the many extra-curricular activities that are on offer in the areas of sport, music, drama, dance and art. There are also many different clubs and societies run at lunch and after school.
In addition, trips and visits to concerts, plays, art galleries and other events and places are offered, both in this country and abroad.
Their mission statement is neither long nor overly complicated. The School aims to provide:
The best atmosphere, the best support, the best results
So that by the time our students leave the School they will be:
Well qualified, well rounded, well prepared
** This information is provided for guidance only and while the content is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate we cannot be held in any way responsible for any errors or omissions that it may contain. Please contact your LA or chosen grammar school for all admission and elevenplus exam queries.**