Boston High School
11plus exam content.
Subjects Tested: Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning
Entrance criteria.
January 2021
To parents/carers of pupils in Year 5
We realise your daughter’s transition to secondary school is just around the corner too.
We have tried to produce as much virtual information as we can, so you are supported through this journey.
Lincolnshire Consortium of Grammar Schools’ Admissions Procedure for entry in September 2022
We are writing to parents of all girls who are due to transfer to secondary school in September 2022 and may be considering entry to Boston High School. You are probably aware that the selection procedure will be carried out by the Grammar Schools and not by the Local Authority.
The Lincolnshire Grammar Schools will use Verbal and NonVerbal Reasoning tests that are specifically produced by GL Assessments (GLA). There will be two tests, both at the beginning of Year 6, and these tests will be administered by your local grammar schools.
You MUST register your daughter for her to be able to take these tests.
Priority for places will be given to those who are already registered to take the tests through Boston High School.
If we are able, we will run open events in school. If we cannot due to social distancing, we will release online material to support pupils.
The exam consists of verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning.
Lincolnshire County Council, which has a duty to make sure that every child is placed, will write to parents giving details of Lincolnshire Secondary Schools and will include an application form requesting parental preferences of secondary school.
The latest date for the return of this form is 31 October 2021. If your Local Authority is not Lincolnshire, you will need to follow the instructions you receive from your own LA regarding your preferred schools.
Friday 10 SEPTEMBER Verbal Reasoning 11+ test will take place in your daughter’s primary school
Friday 17 SEPTEMBER Non-Verbal/Spatial Reasoning 11+ test will take place in your daughter’s primary school.
8 OCTOBER 2021 Results posted to parents
31 OCTOBER 2021 Deadline for the return of parental preference form to your Local Authority
1 MARCH 2022 The Local Education Authority will send out offers of places on 1 March 2021 based on the preferences submitted on your application form in the Autumn.
If you applied online, you will be able to see your offered school online.
You will have the opportunity to appeal or to make a new application if you wish.
2 MARCH 2022 (posting date ) Grammar Schools will write to those parents whose children are eligible for a place to confirm the grammar school place offered on 1 March, or offer to include your child on a reserve list.
If you wish your daughter to take the 11+ selection tests for entry to a Lincolnshire Grammar School, including Boston High School, in September 2022, it is vital you complete the online registration form, which is available on our website, by 31 MARCH 2021.
You need to be aware, however, that this in itself does not constitute an application to a particular grammar school.
If you have any questions concerning admission procedures to Lincolnshire Grammar Schools, please contact Boston High School on 01205 310505 or by email at enquiries@bostonhighschool.co.uk.
Contact details.
Boston High School
Spilsby Road
PE21 9PF
Phone: 01205 310505
Email: enquiries@bostonhighschool.co.uk
Date to Register: June - August
Date of Exam: September
Type of Exam: Linconshire Grammar Schools Consortium 11+ Tests
School website.
School history.
About Boston High School
Boston High School is an 11-18 Grammar School for girls situated on the outskirts of Boston on a very attractive and well-appointed site. The number on roll is 761 with a four form entry.
Boston is a pleasant market town with a population of about 50,000 and is one of the least expensive areas in the country for housing. The coast and the Wolds are within easy reach, as are Peterborough, Nottingham and Lincoln. The town’s amenities include an Arts Centre and Theatre, Music Centre and Sports complex
The High School was built in 1938, since when there have been considerable extensions to the teaching and recreational provisions. Teaching opportunities and possibilities are exceptionally good, not least because of the supportive staff and the aspirations and motivation of many of the girls.
The school is certainly a congenial place in which to work, with men and women fairly equally represented on the staff. It offers a wide variety of well supported activities outside the classroom, especially in music, drama, sport and the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme.
1921 – 1924Miss F M Knipe B.A. (Oxon)1924 – 1927
Miss E M Ridley M.A. (Cantab)1927 – 1946
Miss E S Henry M.A. (Cantab)1946 – 1968
Miss E D Thomas B.A. (Gen)1968 – 1995
Miss J M Webb M.B.E. B.A. (Hon)1995 – 2004
Mr B D Searles B.A. M.A.2005 – 2010
Mrs H A McEvoy B.S.c. M.A. (Ed)2011 - 2013
Dr J G Howard B.A. (Hons) PhD NPQH
2014 -Mr A J Fulbrook B.Ed. (Hons), M.Sc., NPQH
Boston High School was opened on January 19th 1921 at Allan House on Carlton Road. The original school had 112 girls on roll, and was led by the headmistress, Miss Knipe supported by 7 other members of staff.
In 1922, the number of girls on roll had expanded, and as a result of this additional classrooms arrived in the form of ‘huts’. In this year, three student houses were established – Conway, Ingelow and Allan.
Boston High School moved to its current location, on Spilsby Road, during the autumn term of 1938. The school was officially opened during 1939, by Alderman Kitwood – who would later have a house named after him. There were three open days held for parents in 1939, the first being in June. Below, you can see an article which was published in the Boston Standard on May 13th 1939 - detailing the opening of the new school.
Also in 1939, World War II started, and during the war, the school was home to girls from Hull, who were evacuated from their own town due to the expected German bombing raids.
School Houses
Believed to be named after the old school house on Carlton Road, Allan house was where the school was originally based as of the 19th January 1921. At the time the school had just 112 girls on the school roll and Miss Knipe was the Headmistress along with 7 other members of staff. In 1922 the number of girls enrolled grew vastly and therefore ‘huts’ formed the new classrooms for the school, it was in this year where 3 school houses were established Conway, Ingelow and Allan.
The school moved in 1938 to the current Spilsby Road campus but this new building was only announced open a year later in 1939 by Alderman Kitwood. The old school was demolished and we believe used to stand where the current Carlton Road primary school is. The house logo pays tribute to the building through the mermaid as this is a recognised symbol for the school and ties the old house to the school we know today.
Believed to be named after the former Boston School on Tunnard Street, the Conway school formerly known as the Boston Middle Girl’s School at George Street. The school was established in 1851 by Martha and Mary Gee and was intended for female children whose parents are in the rank next above the actual poor. The move from its original site on George Street came at a cost of £800 to Tunnard Street.
The school became known as The Conway School in 1905 and began to establish a good local reputation. The school eventually became co-educational and continued its high standards even gaining a 100% pass rate for the 11+ in 2000 for the 3rd year running.
We believe that our school named a house after The Conway School as a vast majority of our students would have come from The Conway School. The house logo pays tribute to The Conway School and the role it played with the education of girls from Boston. The two open books represent education and the ties we can establish between the two schools.
Believed to be named after the famous English poet and novelist, Jean Ingelow who was born in Boston on March 17th 1820. Jean Ingelow came to fame due to her publication of Poems in 1863 and she quickly became a very popular poet. Her fame only grew over in America where her poems were said to have sold 200,000 copies.
In 1867 she edited the Story of Doom and multiple others poems which became a highly accredited collection of poetry for children. Unfortunately a lot of her works were uncredited by the writing community and there has also been a number of parodies based on her works. Despite this Jean Ingelow remains a prominent figure in Boston’s history. We pay tribute through the house logo which represents two writing quills to represent her works in literature.
Named after the Boston Education Committee chairman Alderman. Thomas Kitwood who announced the current site on Spilsby Road offically open during 1939. Thomas Kitwood was twice the mayor of Boston and spent 51 years on the Holland Council and sat on the bench with his wife Elizabeth Aspland Slater. He was educated at Kirton Grammar School and even had the Kitwood Senior schools named after him which is now the Haven High School.
He achieved a lot within his lifetime such as becoming the chairman of Holland County Council and president of the Boston Conservative Association. Thomas Kitwood died on the 11th November 1946 aged 85 he left his wife Elizabeth and 3 children Lyndis, Peter and Rex.
The house logo is taken from the school logo as the 3 crowns are known to represent the 3 charters. It pays tribute to Thomas Kitwood’s involvement with Bostons’ businesses, councils and governing.
Believed to be named after the daughter of Alderman. Thomas Kitwood when he announced the new school building open during 1939. Gerald Walker formerly Lyndis Margaret Elizabeth Kitwood was the only daughter of Thomas Kitwood and Elizabeth Aspland Slater. Thomas Kitwood went on to name a number of things around Boston after his daughter including a lodge at the Freemans site of Boston and a pilot boat in memory of him gained the name Lyndis Kitwood.
After marrying Dr. Gerald Walker, Lyndis went on to pursue a career as a magistrate and on the 7th October 1943 she was named the new magistrate on the North Holland Bench then a day later at Holland Quarter. She accompanied her parents on the bench and gave birth to 2 children Frederick and Michael. Lyndis Kitwood lived an extremly successful life with achievements right across the Boston area.
The house logo pays tribute to Lyndis by representing the Lyndis Kitwood pilot boat of which she had named after her.
** This information is provided for guidance only and while the content is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate we cannot be held in any way responsible for any errors or omissions that it may contain. Please contact your LA or chosen grammar school for all admission and elevenplus exam queries.**