Kesteven and Grantham Girls' School
11plus exam content.
Subjects Tested: Verbal Reasoning, Non-Verbal Reasoning
Entrance criteria.
Entrance Into Year 7 (using 11+ exam)
The online admissions system is provided for parents and carers who need to apply for a Year 7 place for the upcoming September. The Local Authority prefers parents to apply using the online application system but you can also make a phone application or contact them for a paper form.
Their number is 01522 782030. To apply online, log onto their website at www.lincolnshire.gov.uk/schooladmissions
11+ 2021 Entry
Please contact the school.
National offer day 1st March 2021
Deadline for an appeal to be received Noon 29th March 2021
The following link may be used to access further information about the appeals process from the Lincolnshire County Council website:
11+ 2022 Entry
Parental Information Leaflet- 2022 Entry (PDF)
11+ Registration Form - 2022 Entry (PDF)
Your Registration Form will be acknowledged via email. Please contact us if you have not received this acknowledgement within 7 days.
LCGS letter to parents - revised dates (PDF)
Timetable of proceedings for a September 2022 entry
8th January 2021
Information about 11+ arrangements sent to Primary Schools for distribution to parents of all Year 5 pupils.
31st March 2021
Registration forms returned to the Grammar Schools
(either from parents or the primary schools).
8th September 2021
Primary Schools provide all LA documents to parents.
Revised date:
18th September 2021
First 11+ Test - Verbal Reasoning.
Revised date:
25th September 2021
Second 11+ Test - Non-Verbal Reasoning.
Revised date:
15th October 2021
(posting date) Results posted to Parents.
31st October 2021
Closing date for Lincolnshire LA Applications.
(Out of County Closing Dates)
Nottinghamshire LA
Leicestershire LA
1st March 2022
Allocation of places by Local Authorities.
2nd March 2022
(posting date)
Follow up letter from Grammar Schools.
11+ Practice Papers
The 11+ Verbal Reasoning test and Non-Verbal Reasoning test used by Kesteven and Grantham Girls’ School are produced by GL Assessment. GL Assessment has made available samples of Verbal Reasoning and Non-Verbal Reasoning tests which parents may wish to look at with their daughter to aid familiarisation. These practice papers are free of charge and can be accessed via the following link:-
Please note that we do not use 11+ English or Maths tests so please ignore these sample papers.
September 2021
Parents will receive The Lincolnshire School Admission Guide 2022 via their daughter’s primary school, giving all the information you need to apply online . If your LA is not Lincolnshire, you must follow the instructions you receive from your own LA.
Revised date:
Saturday 18th September 2021
Verbal Reasoning 11+ Test at KGGS
Arrival and start times to be confirmed.
Revised date:
Saturday 25th September 2021
Non-Verbal Reasoning 11+ Test at KGGS
Arrival and start times to be confirmed.
Revised date:
Friday 15th October 20201
Results posted to parents.
Revised date:
Monday 18th October 2021
Results emailed to Primary School Heads.
If you do not wish your primary school to know these results, you must let us know in writing by Friday 24th September 2021.
Sunday 31st October 2021
Deadline for return of parental preference form to your LA. Out of County closing date for Nottinghamshire & Leicestershire
Tuesday 1st March 2022
The LA will send out offers of places based on the preferences
submitted on your application form. You will have the opportunity to appeal or to make a new application if you wish. You must decide whether or not to accept the offer of this place by the deadline given.
Wednesday 2nd March 2022 (posting date)
KGGS will write to confirm the LA offer of a place at this school or, if unsuccessful, to offer to include your daughter on a reserve list.
If you wish your daughter to take the 11+ selection tests for entry to this school in September 2022, it is vital that you complete and submit the registration form, which can be found on the school website, by 31st March 2021. Once you have registered your daughter to take the 11+
tests here at KGGS, the following administrative procedure will take place:
Admission Procedure 2021 for 2022 Entry
Practice papers for verbal reasoning and non verbal reasoning tests will be made available to Lincolnshire feeder primary schools. If the practice papers cannot be used in your daughter’s primary school, e.g. if
your daughter is at an out of county primary school, you can obtain commercially printed practice papers.
These come in packs, together with a guide for parents and an administration manual and mark scheme, and are available from online retailers. They are representative of the actual test papers but not identical. The actual test papers may include item types which are not in the practice papers, e.g. spatial awareness, or omit item types which are.
Since the actual tests are designed to meet Lincolnshire Grammar Schools’ specific requirements, their format and layout may also differ
from the standard practice papers. Nonetheless, the practice papers give children an opportunity to familiarise themselves with the general nature of the tests and to practise aspects such as following instructions carefully and working to a time limit.
On receipt of your completed 11+registration form:-
We will enter your daughter’s details on our database and confirm acknowledgement of this to you by email.
June 2021
Practice Papers are made available to local feeder primary schools.
July 2021
We will send emails to parents to remind you about the tests and you should confirm if you wish your daughter to enter.
Tuesday, 13th July 2021
Year 5 Information Evening at KGGS from 6.00pm-8.00pm.
Please note that we do not use 11+ English or Maths tests but high standards in both subjects will help raise the scores in both Verbal and Non-Verbal Reasoning exams.
Contact details.
Kesteven & Grantham Girls' School
Sandon Road
Grantham, Lincolnshire
NG31 9AU
Phone (01476) 563017
Fax: (01476) 541155
Type of Exam: Linconshire Grammar Schools Consortium 11+ Tests
School website.
School history.
School History
Kesteven & Grantham Girls' (High) School opened on September 20th 1910 to 102 students, under the care of five full-time staff led by Miss H Gladys Williams, M.A. It was officially opened on January 10th 1911 by The Right Hon. The Earl Brownlow, Lord Lieutenant of Lincolnshire and Mayor of Grantham.
The building was considered to be thoroughly up-to-date and situated in "a fine healthy spot" on land purchased from the Earl of Harrowby for the purpose. The school was centred around Old Hall (as it is now known), with classrooms around the edge where the library, staff room and offices are now situated. The first floor had an Art studio, a Chemistry laboratory and a multi-purpose laboratory meeting the needs of Botany and Cookery whilst doubling as the dining room.
The original curriculum included Latin, Botany, Drawing, Singing, Sewing and Dressmaking, alongside the more expected fare of English, Maths, Chemistry and the humanities. From the very beginning, Miss Williams encouraged girls to partake in extra-curricular activities to broaden their minds, focusing on the development of the girls as adults and not solely on their academic progress.
In a 1924 speech, Miss Williams said "it is nothing less than the complete human being herself that is the concern of the schools. It is not our business to turn out teachers or typists or even housewives, but to try to send out girls capable and desirous of doing some art of the world's work well, and capable also of living and enjoying a personal life that is well worthwhile."
During the Great War, girls raised money for wool and undertook to knit socks, mittens and balaclavas for the front. The Barracks across the road was used as a Red Cross Hospital for convalescent troops and girls were encouraged to visit. Vegetables were grown on school grounds to help cope with food shortages and after school activities were slowly curtailed as gas restrictions took effect.
In 1919, the adjacent Victorian mansion was put on the market by the Cafferata family and the Governors purchased it as a boarding residence for girls who lived a distance away. Harrowby House is now the home of the Sixth Form in school and retains its original character throughout.
Miss Williams retired at Easter in 1939 after three decades of service to the school. Miss Dorothy J C Gillies MA (Edinburgh) succeeded her as Headmistress in an uneasy atmosphere of war preparation.
When war broke out in September 1939, the school was immediately put under pressure as students of The Camden School for Girls (North London Collegiate) were evacuated to the area.
In order to cope with numbers, a double shift system was implemented: KG girls attended in the morning and the Camden girls, known as the ‘Green Girls’ because of their uniform, attended in the afternoon. Air raid shelters and brick anti-blast walls were erected and trenches were dug, and from 1940 onwards bombs began to fall in the local area, targeting local manufacturing and airfields. Fortunately, the school buildings remained undamaged with bombs never falling closer than half a mile, but the increase in enemy action resulted in the Camden girls relocating in Easter 1941.
During this time, Margaret Roberts attended on a scholarship, becoming the Head Girl for the academic year 1942/3 before departing to Oxford University to read Chemistry at Somerville College. She was later to be known by her married name: Margaret Thatcher, first female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
By 1954, attendance was up to 432 and the space available was (as it had been for some years) insufficient to needs. A new North Wing was built comprising the hall now known as the Gym and the Humanities block.
In 1965, Miss Gillies retired after 26 years of headship and was succeeded by Miss Nancie Pannell BSc (London), who instigated the system of co-operation with Kings' School that persists to this day, with lessons at Sixth Form shared across the two sites.
A major expansion to the site took place in 1986 with the opening of Roberts Hall, named after Alf Roberts, the father of our former head girl Mrs Thatcher. Mr Roberts had been Chair of Governors for 26 years, serving 39 years on the board in total, and was as staunch a supporter as the school could ever have hoped for.
Behind Roberts Hall an additional building was constructed that now houses Science. Additional extensions to this Science building now form the Science & Technology block; while at the North side of school, the English and Modern Foreign Languages faculties were also able to relocate into new, modern buildings. A purpose-built Sports Hall was added in 2003, and most recently we have opened our new Creative and Expressive Arts Block in 2014.
From its original intake of 102 in 1910 the school now educate nearly 1200 girls, with a six form intake and a Sixth Form of over 300. The majority of our girls proceed to higher education, often into highly competitive fields such as medicine and law or to such esteemed establishments as Oxford and Cambridge.
If anything remains consistent throughout our history, however, it is not only the academic excellence; it is the belief, handed down from Miss Williams in 1910, that the chief concern of the school is the care and cultivation of confident, rounded and happy young women, prepared for life and eager for the challenge.
(Much of the above is based on the work of Mrs Old, English Mistress at KGGS from 1952-1978, in her book The History of Kesteven and Grantham Girls' School 1910-1987.)
** This information is provided for guidance only and while the content is, to the best of our knowledge, accurate we cannot be held in any way responsible for any errors or omissions that it may contain. Please contact your LA or chosen grammar school for all admission and elevenplus exam queries.**